Category Archives: SBS2008
Create OWA only user with no access to workstations
Create user as per usual, then:
1. Create new security group
2. Add user to security group
3. Group Policy Management: Create new Group Policy Object linked at root of domain
4. Right Click and choose edit.
Navigate to: Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
5. Double-click “Deny log on locally”
6. Click “Add User or Group” and add the group you created in step 1. Apply.
7. Wait for Group Policy synchronisation or gpupdate /force on computers.
Source: ServerFault
Bare Metal Restore – SBS 2008 and SBS 2011
A fantastic guide showing the steps to recover SBS 2008 / SBS 2011 from backups:
ps1 cannot be loaded. The file is not digitally signed.
This occurs when the script has been sourced from the web.
In Windows Explorer:
Right click the .ps1 file and choose Properties
Click the Unblock button under Security on the General tab.
W3SVC1 logs files massive
Add DNS Forwarders in SBS2008 SBS2011
Administrative Tools > DNS
Right-click on server and choose “Properties”
Select Forwarders tab
Click “Edit”
Add your ISP’s DNS server IPs
Alternatively you can add Googles Public DNS servers:
Move SUSDB on SBS2008
Administrative command prompt:
net stop “update services”
net stop w3svc
Run as admin:
Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL server Management Studio Express
Connect to server name: \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query
Databases > SUSDB > Right Click > Detach
Tick the “Drop Connections” and click OK.
Navigate to the SUS database folder on C:\ copy/paste it to the desired location using windows explorer.
Back in SQL server Management Studio Express choose “Add”
Add the database in the new location and click OK, OK.
Delete the old database files from C:\
Source: itblog
Source: petenetlive
Windows update fails with error 80243004?
Reboot server and retry.
The WU error 80243004 means a failure occurs when Windows Update trying to create an icon in the taskbar notification area.
This problem is likely caused by the abnormal System Notification Area.
Source: Technet
Test Autodiscover
Disable Hibernation on SBS2008 / SBS2011
CMD Prompt
powercfg.exe /hibernate off