Send as distribution group Exchange 2007/2010

To enable sending as a distribution group in Exchange 2007 / Exchange 2010

Add-ADPermission -Identity "group name" -User "user alias" -AccessRights extendedright -ExtendedRights Send-As

To test straight away, Download the offline address book (click Send/Receive tab, click Send/Receive groups and select Download Address Book).
Send test email from distribution list.

Could not deliver the message in the time limit specified. 4.4.7 MaxHeaderSize

Increase MaxHeaderSize on Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010

Emails with large headers/many recipients bounce to external senders with 4.4.7 Could not deliver the message in the time limit specified.

To check current configuration:
Get-ReceiveConnector | ft name, MaxHeaderSize

To set a new limit:
Set-ReceiveConnector “Windows SBS Internet Receive Servername” –MaxHeaderSize 128KB

Source – Exchange Inbox
Source – Technet

Increase email size limits in SBS 2008/2011

To increase the send and receive limit for all users on Exchange there are 3 settings that need adjusting. Global Transport, Receive Connector, Send Connector.

Global Transport Settings

To check current configuration:
Get-TransportConfig | ft MaxSendSize, MaxReceiveSize

To set a new limit:
Set-TransportConfig –MaxSendSize 30MB –MaxReceiveSize 30MB

Receive Connector Settings

To check current configuration:
Get-ReceiveConnector | ft name, MaxMessageSize

To set a new limit:
Set-ReceiveConnector “Windows SBS Internet Receive Servername” –MaxMessageSize 30MB

Send Connector Settings

To check current configuration:
Get-SendConnector | ft name, MaxMessageSize

To set a new limit:
Set-SendConnector “Windows SBS Internet Send Servername” –MaxMessageSize 30MB

Source: Official SBS Blog

MSExchange Web Services 24 and 25 after updating Exchange Certificate

You may receive Event 24 (Expired Certificate) or Event 25 (Certificate Expiring Soon) errors after using the “Add Trusted Certificate Wizard” to install a new Certificate.

The following steps can be used in Exchange Management Shell to manually remove the old certificate.

Get-ExchangeCertificate |FL

Remove-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint ‘OldCertificateThumbprint’

Source – Technet

OWA – A problem occurred while you were trying to use your mailbox.

1. Outlook Web Access shows: A problem occurred while you were trying to use your mailbox.
2. Outlook won’t connect to exchange.

Mailbox may be quarantined.

Removing mailbox from quarantine
1. Delete REG KEY on server:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\Services\MSexchangeIS\Servername\Private-dbguid\Quarantined Mailboxes\ {Mailbox guid}.

2. Restart Microsoft Exchange Information Store Service

Source – Technet Blog

SharePoint Error KB2580174 in SBS2011

Patching SharePoint Foundation 2010 is a two-step process. The updated binaries are first installed and then psconfig must be run to update the SharePoint databases.

In order to update the SharePoint databases, you must manually run the PSconfig utility. To run the utility:

1. Open an Administrative command prompt.
2. Change directory to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN
3. Run PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures

Source – Microsoft KB2580174

SBS 2008 / SBS 2011 remove benign items from reporting

Download and extract the SBSAlertsCleanup.
Launch an elevated PowerShell prompt.
Navigate to files.

.\SBSAlertsCleanup.ps1 –Action install [enter]

You will see “Changed database context to ‘SBSMonitoring’

Listing current Exclusions
.\SBSAlertsCleanup.ps1 –Action ListExclusions

Note: If you receive an error – SBSAlertsCleanup.ps1 cannot be loaded…. is not digitally signed.
Right-Click the ps1 file, click ‘Unblock’ in the security section under the General Tab.

Source – The Official SBS Blog